Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Everyone Wants What They Can't Have.

I know there's people like me who complain "Kenaper lahhh hidup saya boring sial?" No? Bluff.
Then there's the same bunch of people that loves their books and their Twilights therefore, complain somemore "Kenaper lahhh saya takder boyfren macam Edward Cullen. Kenaper lah boyfren saya bukan vampire?"
Oi giler ke, you think very exciting!? Have you ever thought about people who's having so-called-exciting life running or having an 'extraordinary'(kononnye lah okay) asking 'Why can't i have a normal life?' or people living in Africa merely asking "Kenaper lah saya takder air untuk minum?"
Well, life's not a bunch of flowers and butterflies, deal with it.
You want an exciting life?
Oi, make a change lah.

Written In Ink.

Since Ezra had a HUGEEEE reaction when,
ezra. says:
is that all ucan write?
ezra. says:
ok hahahaha?!?!?!
ezra. says:
ezra. says:

So i advertise lah the epitome of sexy blogs, http://sexycoffee.blogspot.com/
HAHAHAHA YES SEXY COFFEE. Why sexy coffee, you ask? I don't know! Maybe their coffee's just too sexy for them ok. EDIT** Ezra's explanation is Coffee=Me, Me=Sexy. This is why Ezra rocks. :)

PMR results today! Good Luck, Bongos sekalian! Too late, you say? Who knows you might die of excitement or something like that. :D SLEEPOVER COMING UP! Rain or shine, day or night, yes i don't care if tsunami happens in the middle of Klang, a supermassive black hole drowns us in(no, this is not Matthew i assure you) or horror of horrors, noone gets an A for PMR,

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Go away, you annoying niggling thoughts! Shoo.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Its Not About Presents

but lets talk presents.
I love presents!
Don't you love presents?
Well, this year.. i especially enjoyed getting presents for the gang because i find things that resembles them most. For example, Bryan and? SANTA CLAUS! Joshua and? Rudolph the Reindeer! Matthew and? NIGHT SKY! POKER CARDS! No more "cheapskate" candles this Christmas. By the way, YokePei & Alex gave gorgeous charms! So preeeeeeety :)

This is how i spend my Christmas :)


What to get for my mom? hmm. The best and the basic-est of presents, hugs and breakfast. right!



.Hmmmmmmhhmm, how do i turn on the stove..

Okay that last line was a joke. ha-ha. But i dont know how to properly fry an egg though. Har har laugh lah all you want.

Triumph Horns.

MERRY 'merry' CHRISTMAS, all!

Thank You, Lord for the awesome-est present. Our Saviour :)


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


How do i upload two picture-filled cameras in the fastest way?

I Also Want Nice, Blond Hair!

Why only Angmohs get nice blond hair?

I was just in Crystal's blog and saw her Aussie friend.. with nice blond hair. See, what an unfair world we live in? :( Luckily, my Aussie cousin doesn't have blond hair or else, nyehehehe.

On another note, i'm not a patient person. So you know whats nonsense to me? When you spam on a daily basis and spams are obviously, nonsensical. Not the random spamspamspamspam Alex used to and still does every once in a while on my chatbox but those Hi. one sentence.hits 'Enter' Bye. another sentence. Those are the reasons why msn has been invented. And the "You have won zillions of money for being the 666th visitor!" routine. Yes lah i get it, how many times i became the 666th visitor already!

*sings All I want for Christmas is ToooopShoooop*
..and 70% discount sale(im not hoping much, just 70% =D)

Monday, December 22, 2008

High Rise.

THE 2008 TAG by BrAyan Ong.
1. What was the highlight of your 2008 year?
Seriously, camp. Got closer to friends(every year its like a bond renewal), meet newer ones and had loads of fun. Got closer, grown alot and mature in the Lord.
2. Would you say you have grown older both physically and mentally?
3. Did you make any friends this year?
4. If so, Name a few. if not, what did you do instead?
Kedric!! HAHA. okayla, others like er, Benjamin!(got girls also okay, but im a guy so yeah :P) etc etc.
5. Do You have a picture of yourself in your favourite Holiday season of 2008?

6. Why is it your favourite holiday?
My Birthday ... is on a holiday. HAHA, beat that! How cool is THAT?
7. What is your 2008 Song Anthem?
Acceptance's So Contagious, hands down lah okay.
8. Give a logical reason why.
Cause it was a damn contagious song.
9. Give a motto for your 2008.
Dream big. Dream big. Dream big.
10. State a few things you changed this year.
Commitment to the Lord.
11. Did you find a new story in 2008 to tell in 2009?
Hey, i got close to the Lord! Next year, i'm coming closer! :D
12. Did you have fun in 2008?
Korea, baby!
13. Any last words to the year 2008?
I'm not waiting for ya! Next year, LONDON!
14. pass on the tag to 2008 people.
hm, i'll get back.

Love Letter To My Saviour.

How long have I been in this storm?

If I could just see you
Everything would be all right
If I'd see you
This darkness would turn to light

And I will walk on water
And you will catch me if I fall
And I will get lost into your eyes
I know everything will be all right
I know everything i'ts right
By the blood of the Almighty, we are flying in freedom.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Im So The Man"

Okay, brace yourselves ladies. This is a confession that'll rock your world. Not literally, unless Bryan's jumping beside you now.. so yeahh.

"Aiyah i feel happier when i buy books than seeing Topshop or buying clothes."


Smart Guys Get This And Do It.

To be smart, or not to be smart?
To be ultimate... or not?
This, is such a genius way to get guys shop for their girlfriends. I leave you with no choice, hoho, face or money? ha ha ha
Pictures taken from Rosette Coutures.

Fumbling To Please.

Hi all!
IS BACK!!!!!!
GY Camp was phenomenal. Im sure everyone who went agrees, no?
I lost my voice.
Not too happy about that.
Came back with a flue.
This seriously sucks.
Hit my shoulder.
Tore something there.
And, looks like i TNT-ed myself but whatever.
I just watched The Day The Earth Stood Still and it was one of those whaddaheck movies. Don't ask why but it just is. I nearly fell asleep towards the end with my legs on the armrest. Buuuut, there's a lesson to it which made the movie not so bad after all =D Okay, just buy it on DVD lah. 3/5 rating.
After camp, i feel very very tired so im gonna take some time off to rest before i continue my blogging marathon. IF, i continue. Hahahaha! And i just realised this, people who goes to the wrong lane or turns into a No Entry zone and honks other people?
Dumb. :D
I am typing in the dark like an idiot now.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Leaving The Mark Behind.

I am counting the hours to leave for camp!! Oh by the way, you'll be relieved to know the procrastinator has finished her nametags along with her lazy assistant, Fatema. And, THAT.. is one big miracle. Haha! Fatema and I are gonna kick butts this year with our same same laziness(=D) and the last two years my continent has always been protecting base only and this year, hoho, strategy all planned already!

Things i cannot bring for camp:
My fat chao pillow and bed.
When i suggested the idea to put the pillow and blankie in the pillow cover, my sister said its nuts. So, no chao pillow for FOUR DAYS for me! CoughJessicaCough. And, finally got around to pack! I HATE PACKING!! I also fitted both of my sis and my clothes into a single bag!(basically, it was my sis who did the packing but, whatever) SINGLE, hah! Also, must bring nametags and stuffs as precaution in case someone's nametags drop in the toilet bowl and etc.

See ya Thursday! :D
Godspeed, people.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


My internet connections back! Like, finally okay!
Firstly, WELCOME BACK Bryan. We all miss you so much! Savadeekarp yea!
Second, Shannon finally launched her eBoutique. So expected right when first her perfumes, the next the belts, dresses and now the shoes. Check out her really really awesome stuff at http://rosettecoutures.blogspot.com/
Third, just back from Christmas shopping. *wink wink*
Fourth, thank you GUYS and Yokepei for all the help. Very appreciated, okay. :) And, i love you all.
Fifth, I cut-ed my hair cause you know, it was too long and got on my nerves so yeah..
Lastly, What do you expect from camp this year?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Always Be There For You.

I really feel i have learned more this year. Alongside with my friends and God, i feel real happiness. All in all, life's very good.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Bryan has gone to Thailand and i miss my girlfriend slash shopping buddy. :(

This is what Ezra does when he's bored, he draws. So he drew my character from the opening act! ..except i didn't have that sinister face on and i was way more hotter. Haha! Oh, does any of you have the opening act pictures!? I thought we did pretty well considering our last minuteness(coughJoshuacough) and quite funny lah.

PS/ and while you all still drool over Rob Pat, i will finally have my Bones soon. Haha you losers haha, ha, haaaaa. Sigh, life's good. :)