Thursday, August 14, 2008

Livin' like a Carefree.

We lost the Choral Speaking this time in Sunway, organized by Toyota. Neverrrrrmind, not a really big deal actually and im not sad over it.Lol.
And Chin Ying goes, "Im selling my Innova!" LMAO. As for me, i have no Toyotas. :) And so... picca's from then.

Moi. Kate. Pathma.

Dont we loook shooo smart. ;p
Puff, Zie, Lil, Reshi & Jade.

There's a difference between those two.
To infinity and.. say i rock. LOL.

Nice pic right? Must see who took it ma.. Haha!

Ghaithri, cute and cuddly in a cap.

Us there, looking smart.
Best frrrriend.
Reshi, Pathma and it eez'.. me.

Lagoon theme park.

Team MGS.

Winners, but they were really good.
Kissy kissy..

Me and Zie sitting together doing what we do best.


The school's dream team.
Moviiiin' shoooshh..
Borrowed blazer on me.(only thing missing is the tie and nametag i gave back)
Next up, Nette's birthday.:0


Yingster said...

haha... well,have u found anyone to buy my innova yet?

fiffylovesdbsk said...

you are exposing me to the whole world!!!!!!!!!

Lilian said...

ange: ngeheheheh, no. :D

fiffy: I THOUGHT YOU LIKED FAME! muaahhaaahhaa..