Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Of Danny, Ducks and Donkeys.

Tuesday, our English made us all do one rhyme each with the 'd' sound. Jade and I created one together with donkeys and forgot to do the other one. So anyways, our teacher made everyone stand up and you couldn't sit if you don't have one. Jade and I are so awesome that we created another one in what? 5 seconds? Eh, not exaggerating, promise! The words were just flowing, i tell ya!(not literally lah of course :D)

We were the first to sit and some classmates being desperate as they were, copied ours. If you're thinking oh little bit only right, you thought wrong! Danny, ducks and donkeys also want to copy. Some even copied 3 lines! Aiyoh, copy also copy smart lah so that you don't appear like a thick-skinned-idiot.
Kay, this was ours;
Danny did a dance,
That looked like a duck dance,
But duck don't dance,
So.. how did Danny do the duck dance?

Okay moving to the cool cool ones,

If you understand, say you understand
If you don't understand, say you don't understand
If you understand but say you don't understand,
How am I suppose to know you understand,

What, did i twist your mind a lil?

ps/Check her blog too! Quick! I LOVE JADE!

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