Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Don't Think I'm Carpenter Material. :(

Woodwork is so crappy! Not like i totaaaally suck in hammering nails into wood, i just don't have the knack to it lah it seems. yeah that oooomph thing. What, don't give me that look! The nail i hammered in came out .. TWICE! T___T And, im no nowhere near finishing. Two weeks doing it and lemme see, i've so far three pieces of wood joined up! so pathetic. Whatever, not like im going to be a carpenter in the near future. right? *crickets* RIGHT.
Oh, you should've seen my sister's face when we found out Kris was married. quote Nette, "What! I thought she was his sister!" HAHA.
I skipped school today .. and have to go tomorrow. >:'(

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