Friday, October 3, 2008

Where Rainbow Ends, A Pot Of Gold Awaits.

First and foremost,
Happy Birthday Bryan!
Everyone loves his jokes, especially me!
I get high on his tags. wooo :).

Look at the few kids staring.They wished they could get a picture with "Gerard Way" like me(more like they wanna get a picture with me =p) but its his birthday so..
Happy Raya, dear Malaysians!
..especially to my darling, Zie(hah, pathma! i also can kay. :p)

Bff, okay. :D
Okay, so how did my holidays go?hmm..
I slept most of the time, really. So, i wouldnt know much of what happen most of the time.Lol.
I went shopping with my mother-and the rest of the fam-but i mention my mom cause she's so generous and all. *big smile*
I slept in till around 12.peeeeegg. Went to Bukit Raja's Jusco for some shopping and spent around 3 hours there and headed for our western food dinner around there. Rushed home for our movie in AEON(yes, i know. petrol like so cheap right.LOL) watched Eagle Eye starring Shia LeBeouf and Michelle Monaghan and the show was pretty good. Quite an INTERESTING movie. But i felt weird lah watching Michelle acting in that action thriller film, yKnow the Made Of Honor impression thingy.Haha!
mhmm.. i rate it 4/5.
I overslept to go for tuition(yes, holidays also got.) After surviving one hour and half-without sleeping, mind you-i got home and watched telly the whole day with my mom.TV ADDICTS, i tell you. All thanks to Astro On Demand, nyek nyek nyek. Went out for dinner in Bukit Tinggi and out of buggy(more like irritating) demand out of my younger sister, we ended up in Bukit Tinggi's fun fair thingy that was just set up in Aeon's extra parking lot and put to good use as well, that side of parking lot is so deserted and more like a waste of space.
Surprisingly, the place was quite okay except they overcharged lah-entrance charges, rides; 3 token(6 bucks gone there) PER-PERSON for ONE ride and misc. Wth! When i got home, my stomach was topsy-turvy and felt like scrambled eggs.Me eating dinner right before going on rides being one of the main reason. :S Nevertheless, the day was gooooood.
And Pathology is such a stupid, sick movie. Don't get excited because its Milo Ventimiglia acting. No, really.
School in one more day! wheeee! not.
ps/If you cant view my cbox, or there's anything out of order, please kindly comment through the comments.LOL.
Good morning all!

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