Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monday's OneU.

.. and not gonna elaborate on THAT.
On another note, Monday was a holiday! This is actually one of the very few reasons why i like Malaysia, we get different kinds of holidays most of the time! And because i couldn't tahan staying at home while they go have a blast in OU, i tagged along .. and dragged Jo. Haha! Watched Watchmen(yes, Jo and i passed off as 18 =D) and the others watched The Reader(yes, they passed off too. Haha.) Was going to go for GSC but that was too early so TGV it was and ohh, how i hate those cinema seats!! Low backrest and stuffy seats. >:'( I hate to say this but Aeon you rock!(despite meeting 20812723924 people you know)
When we got back to Manda's house, the foursome was having their usual yakky thingies going on. I went to Jo's room and lookie lookieeeee!
This will have little kids going green in envy i tell ya!

Not to mention this! HAHA. I made him do that.

Pepper, :)

Oh oooh, the first time he let me play Senzah!

Great day, it was. :)

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