Saturday, December 18, 2010


Trees. They have many uses, these green things. Well, they are green for a reason - to make food. They are also homes to some animals. Their roots - those huge protruding things - hold the ground firmly. Some people say, trees are like sponges. They absorb water and prevent things like landslides. They come in many shapes and sizes. Some are ugly on the surface, some are too thin, and many a times some are unnoticeable - until you need them..

Green - the colour of peace. Soothing. Refreshing. I remember the times during my primary days. So young and carefree. I didn't need to worry about anything much. Except fighting. The girl who was sitting beside me had identical pigtails, about the same size and had geeky, round glasses just like me! Well then, why would she grab my eraser?! It didn't matter because i shoved her anyway - and grabbed my eraser back. Eraser Stealer got back up on her feet and shoved me back. Now, this goes on for a while - shove, shove, shove. And then this girl - with a ponytail, slightly taller than us, NO GLASSES - loomed over us. She put one hand on my shoulder and slowly moved me away from Eraser Stealer. She reached a hand into her pocket and took out an eraser - JUST LIKE MINE! - and placed it in my palm. No, she wasn't green. but i liked her. I called her Friend.

Home - Comfortable. At ease. When I was in Form One, I walked past the huge gates and looked around my new and unfamiliar surroundings. I didn't know a single person! That worried me a lot. What if I don't have anyone to follow me to the toilet?(Yes girls worry about things like this.) Or what if I don't have anyone to share my food with?(Some girls, this too.) I walked to my class and looked around again. I chose to sit at the back corner alone because everyone else had a partner. Then, Friend walked in the class and I was overjoyed. She immediately came over to sit with me and I felt good. I felt at home.

Roots - Supportive. Protective. During Form Five, I was anxious. Creeping up to my teacher's table took a lot of courage. In the background, I could hear shouts, laughters and even more softly, cries of defeat. I slowly reached out for the little white slip the teacher handed to me. I didn't dare to look. After what seemed like an eternity, Friend put a hand on my shoulder and told me to look. I peeked and saw a few As and a lot of Bs. Tears streamed down my face. Friend just stood there, patting my shoulder and whispering, "It's okay."

Sponge - Absorbant. When I was 18, I dated. He was from college and I liked him a lot. One day, he told me, he didn't like me anymore. Just like that. I was devastated. I didnt know who to turn to. Not my parents - they would be worried sick/furious. I picked up my phone, scrolled through 'Contacts' while my vision blurred. I stopped at a name I haven't called in years. Dialled the number. We talked - for hours.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up as dark clouds began to form in the sky. In front of me, stood a tall tree and right in the middle of the tree trunk, a name was carved - Julia. Julia was Friend. She died last year due to cancer. She was my tree. A drop of tear hit the ground just as a ray of sunshine peeked through the leaves.

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