Monday, December 22, 2008

High Rise.

THE 2008 TAG by BrAyan Ong.
1. What was the highlight of your 2008 year?
Seriously, camp. Got closer to friends(every year its like a bond renewal), meet newer ones and had loads of fun. Got closer, grown alot and mature in the Lord.
2. Would you say you have grown older both physically and mentally?
3. Did you make any friends this year?
4. If so, Name a few. if not, what did you do instead?
Kedric!! HAHA. okayla, others like er, Benjamin!(got girls also okay, but im a guy so yeah :P) etc etc.
5. Do You have a picture of yourself in your favourite Holiday season of 2008?

6. Why is it your favourite holiday?
My Birthday ... is on a holiday. HAHA, beat that! How cool is THAT?
7. What is your 2008 Song Anthem?
Acceptance's So Contagious, hands down lah okay.
8. Give a logical reason why.
Cause it was a damn contagious song.
9. Give a motto for your 2008.
Dream big. Dream big. Dream big.
10. State a few things you changed this year.
Commitment to the Lord.
11. Did you find a new story in 2008 to tell in 2009?
Hey, i got close to the Lord! Next year, i'm coming closer! :D
12. Did you have fun in 2008?
Korea, baby!
13. Any last words to the year 2008?
I'm not waiting for ya! Next year, LONDON!
14. pass on the tag to 2008 people.
hm, i'll get back.

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